Rotate to look at object.

MattVolletMattVollet Member Posts: 86
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey all! I have a strange question that has been plaguing me, and I could very well be overthinking it.

I'm making a game where actors, which are people, are constantly walking towards the very center of the page. This is proving challenging because the characters are not rotating correctly and thus are walking sideways, or backwards depending on which side of the screen they spawn on.
I think I need to use the rotate to position and use the coordinates, relative to the scene, in the center. The problem I am having, though, is which side of the actor is trying to match itself up with that coordinate?

Let me try to explain.

If this box represents the actor:
which of the 4 sides is going to be rotating to face the coordinates that I tell it to?

Hopefully I am just over thinking this and there is an easier way.. either way, some help would be appreciated.


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