Android SDK which do you have installed?
Quick question I got relatively new complaints about crashes on the android versions of my games.
Via the terminal I checked the SDK and saw some pieces where not installed (41).
This is not longer the case and everything is installed.
Could this have been the source of the problem?
Does it matter to have older versions installed to support them?
I updated two of my games with GS 0.13.7. Both have crashing issues with Android 4.4+. I´ve submitted a bug report a while ago and it´s already been fixed, and should be in the next GS release.
Bug 863
I first thought it was revmob, but later i noticed it was not. So the bug title is incorrect. Read the comments on the bug.
This might be the issue you´re having.
Mental Donkey Games
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I actually always install the latest version right back to 2.3 support. I've only experienced 3 crashes and most are either due to people not running the right OS (2.3 up) or their phone needs a rest! lol
And yes, older versions of the sdk is vital. Lots of people can't upgrade their Android version because their phone company hasn't issued an update.
An example. On my old Sony Xperia T it still runs Android Icecream but the new versions of Sony run Lollipop & Jellybean. So you must support older operating systems (but not before touch was added!)
Check in google to find out what device(s) are causing the issue and operating system.
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@NipaDidIt ok thanks good to know (got no rev mob) but as figured below my reported crashes also are with 4.4+
LENNY (s5201ap) Android 4.4.2- reported crashes
Galaxy Ace3 (logan) Android, 4.2.2 - doesn't run/star
hct82_cwet_kk Android 4.4.2-crash on start
Optimus L40 (w3) v4.4.2 (KitKat) - doesn't run/star
i see a pattern there, good tip, seems your right @NipaDidIt
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haha yes. So you need to rapidly push out an update that supports 4.4.2/kitkat - so download that. I would do that first but if you have super fast broadband, download the back dated SDK versions.
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We should have a new version with a fix for bug 863 any day now.
an article about 4.4 "KitKat"
40% of all android devices still rely on this outdate version
My Apps
As I said earlier Dave, not all users CAN update to kitkat or whatever the latest version is. Apple update all their phones but those who have Android are at the mercy of the phone maker. Companies like Sony would rather release another version of that phone with the latest Android OS on it, instead of updating, meaning that if I bought a phone yesterday, and Sony released an updated model today, I would have to buy a new phone.
It's lazy and wrong but unfortunately, thats how it is.
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@BigDave My theory is that some features in GS aren't supported in earlier androids versions, unless their fixable bugs. For example, I couldn't get a level with tiled actors to work on an android smartphone due to it either crashing or stretching the entire screen on loading.
After removing all actors with their graphics set to tiled, and only having actors with the stretch attribute, I was able to get the game level working again.
Maybe I should start focusing on iOS soon, it appears to have less problems.