Bug priority level zilch

Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343
edited April 2015 in Working with GS (Mac)

I guess Im going to have to ask the community to please vote for my bug....it apparently has no priority level status or even been confirmed by GS. Its been a month since I reported it and after reading tonights State of Gamesalad I can tell its not on their list.....Its a fix I personally need for my game I have been waiting for the past 2 releases to work and it does not.

I understand people want new features but this all goes back to just having a feature that used to work...that quit working....to work again after it got broke. Its just more "unstable" stuff. I can't seem to vote for my the bug....I can't figure out how to. Maybe someone can tell me how...or maybe I am not able to as I was the submitter.

here is what I believe it the direct link to my bug.

http://bugs.gamesalad.com/buglist.cgi?email1=ictc3d@gmail.com&emailassigned_to1=1&emailreporter1=1&emailtype1=exact&list_id=6908&order=product,bug_id DESC&query_based_on=&query_format=advanced&resolution=---



  • LovejoyLovejoy Member Posts: 2,078

    @Thunder_Child click the vote in parenthesis

    then click the checkbox of your bug and hit change my vote

    As so voting for it, this is an issue that shouldn't need to be voted on. This should be fixed regardless.

    Tagging @BlackCloakGS so he acknowledges this.

    Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    For a workaround, try this (only guessing it will work, not tested it):

    Make a text attribute. Before displaying the score, constrain the text attribute to the integer attribute holding the score. Display the text attribute, not the integer attribute.

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited April 2015

    Great idea, @Armelline. Unfortunately, I just tested it and it doesn't work ("1e+09").

    I also tried building a text string from each character of the converted score text string using TextSubStr() and displaying that but it didn't work either.

    Good news... one method did work! TableMergeValues(). I'll post a demo in a sec...

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  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited April 2015

    Hmm. When I created a score text attribute and then added each digit to a table row and then displayed the merged table values, it worked. But I then went back to make this PC-friendly (converting numeric expression rule conditions into attribute conditions) and now it doesn't work. Frustrating!

    Edit: might have been a false alarm because I can't get it to work now. For what it's worth I've attached the file I made in Mac Creator.

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  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    I couldn't get it to work either. Ultimately, it seems GameSalad isn't currently running string.format("%.0f",x) to convert the string from scientific to decimal notation before returning the string. Unfortunately we can't do that, but I did find a funny little thing when I was trying various ways to do that. Pretty useless I guess, unless you want to delve into the XML files and find a specific attribute.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @Armelline said:
    . . . but I did find a funny little thing when I was trying various ways to do that. Pretty useless I guess, unless you want to delve into the XML files and find a specific attribute.

    Don't you remember me telling you about this a month or so back, I even suggested the same application (to find a specific attribute)? ;)

    @Socks said:
    "Placing quotes around an attribute will give you it's ID, in case you need to hunt it down within the xml files"

  • SummationSummation Member, PRO Posts: 476


    There should be a way to convert the notation back into a real, or at least notate it with M for million, B for billion, T for trillion, etc.

    For example: Your casino game needs you to show your jackpot win of 100 million.
    100 million could be shown as: 100M
    You wouldn't show 101M until either actually reaching 101 million, or rounding up, whatever's clever.

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    Wow I'm glad to see some guys really trying to figure this out Thank you. I did think about using 1M but then how to then show the several hundred thousand and change until the next million. A best win jackpot is 5million...there are easier wins but can exceed 1.5M...although that is a method I'm not sure I want to do that. To bad some of these other methods didn't work :-(. Hopefully now GS takes a harder look at this m...should this thread be read and put it in their not to release 14 until fixed build...lol. All for the Thunder :wink:

  • SummationSummation Member, PRO Posts: 476

    @Thunder_Child Ok check this out (and I have no idea if this would work)...

    Any amount owned in the millions or greater decimal place would be abbreviated 1M, 2M, etc, right?
    As for the "change" you mentioned in the 100k, 10k, 1k places, etc...
    Put up two different actors side by side.

    The first actor would display the millions (or higher) decimal place.
    The second actor would display the change.

    The trick is to subtract the change from the "big number" (million's place or higher) from the notation conversion code in order to give the second actor something accurate to display.

  • BBEnkBBEnk Member Posts: 1,764

    Just a text attribute can display 14 places after that it goes to the crazy numbers.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376


    I really don't :D Memory like a goldfish I guess! Guess you'll get all the royalties then :(

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    @BBEnk the creator will show a large number...on the device is when it goes wack

  • LovejoyLovejoy Member Posts: 2,078

    @Thunder_Child does this happen with custom fonts as well?

    Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @Armelline said:

    I really don't :D Memory like a goldfish I guess! Guess you'll get all the royalties then :(

    I'm going to give it all to charity. :)

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    @Lovejoy ...I am using an integer called Cash...in a text display. I use the Georgia don't provided by GS.

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    I also just noticed I must have accidentally click GS for PC...I am using the Mac version of Creator.

  • LovejoyLovejoy Member Posts: 2,078

    @Thunder_Child said:
    Lovejoy ...I am using an integer called Cash...in a text display. I use the Georgia don't provided by GS.

    I meant try using custom score to see if it still occurs.

    Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    @Lovejoy said:
    I meant try using custom score to see if it still occurs.

    Custom fonts split big numbers up into multiple small numbers, so it shouldn't be an issue.

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    @Lovejoy Hmm. Never used custom fonts. Would I have to go and change all of my change attributes called Cash? I mean like when there is a win I tell it to change both Cash and cash Won.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    @Thunder_Child said:
    Lovejoy Hmm. Never used custom fonts. Would I have to go and change all of my change attributes called Cash? I mean like when there is a win I tell it to change both Cash and cash Won.

    Custom fonts work by splitting any number into individual digits, and displaying them separately, updating the image to reflect the relevant digit.

    So if you were to display the number 1065 you'd need 4 actors, one per digit in the number. The actor displaying the 5 would be displaying the 1s, the actor displaying the 6 would be displaying the 10s, the actor displaying the 0 would be displaying the 0s etc. So the same 4 actors could display any 4 digit (or less) number.

    They know what number to display by being constrained to the number you want to display - so you'd not need to make any changes to your Cash attribute, if that's what you wanted to display. You'd just point each actor displaying each digit at the Cash attribute, and they would take care of the rest.

    Since each digit is worked out by division, very large numbers shouldn't matter.

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    I don't know why I didn't think of custom fonts. That will certainly work. The custom fonts tutorials are very good. Google custom font gamesalad and click on the Videos tab to get started.

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  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343
    edited April 2015

    But...isn't it still an integer and at 10Million there would be an issue?

    Thanks @lovejoy and @tatiang...I will try the tutorial and then if it works I'll just let GS know users fixed the issue for me. I hope this is easy to do I'm soooo tired of waiting for stuff to work. It's good that the forums can work but it sucks to think its the users that fix problems.

    I feel sorry for the potential let down Graphene may have if its anything like the creator.

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    It's good that the forums can work but it sucks to think its the users that fix problems.

    It depends if you consider this a problem or just a method that devices use to display large numbers. Even if we came up with a solution for this specific size of number, what's to say that our solution (or GameSalad's) could display 3,569,322,480,650,112,908,627,767,290,118 using the same solution?

    Anyway, I think you'll find that custom fonts are a viable option.

    I feel sorry for the potential let down Graphene may have if its anything like the creator.

    That's an interesting perspective. I was drawn to GameSalad because it allowed me to do something that I never could have done. Not everything works the way I want or expect it to do but on the whole it's still an exceptional tool. I expect that with Graphene, it will be similar: there will be things I love and am amazed by and things I think could be improved.

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  • LovejoyLovejoy Member Posts: 2,078

    @Thunder_Child Ok i tested this real quick and i can say that using custom score fixes it. Here are some screens.

    Here is showing the score at 10 mill, display text and custom score show up fine.

    Here is a score of over 2 billion, still both show fine

    Here is a score over 3 billion, display text breaks but custom score displays fine

    Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    @Thunder_Child said:
    But...isn't it still an integer and at 10Million there would be an issue?

    The number is stored in the computer the same way whether it's displayed using scientific or decimal notation. Lua defaults to scientific for displaying large numbers, and GS don't seem to be converting to decimal before displaying in our games.

    When you use custom fonts, you're not displaying the number at all. You're displaying an image that corresponds to one digit from the number. That digit is worked out by dividing the big number by the relevant amount to find that digit. As such, there's no displaying of the number and therefore no need to worry about the scientific notation (which the computer is happy to do maths with).

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    See my video on creating a custom score.

  • SummationSummation Member, PRO Posts: 476

    @The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
    See my video on creating a custom score.

    Fantastic tutorial.

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    Great news @Lovejoy were those screens adhoc on an actual device or creator? Reason I ask is creator always seems to work...its when ON a device the issue happens. Great work guys. I'll be watching Guru's tut this evening or tomorrow and try it out.

    Thanks again Community

  • LovejoyLovejoy Member Posts: 2,078

    @Thunder_Child said:
    Great news Lovejoy were those screens adhoc on an actual device or creator? Reason I ask is creator always seems to work...its when ON a device the issue happens. Great work guys. I'll be watching Guru's tut this evening or tomorrow and try it out.

    Thanks again Community

    I didn't want to make the whole apple certificate route so i created an .apk

    Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    Quick question...so I suddenly thought that if this works...will this somehow also allow for me to finally insert a comma every thousands and millions instead of one continuous string of numbers? That's been such a pain as well.

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