Make App Free For First World But Pay For All The Rest But People Have Already Bought It.
Hey GS,
Question on how this will effect people that have already purchased the app. So I have an app that is $0.99. To get more attention to it I want to make it free. You get to play the first world for free and if you want to continue one playing the other 12 worlds you pay $0.99 to unlock. People that have already purchased the game, I don't want them to have everything locked and don't want them to pay again. How would I prevent this if it's even possible? Thanks in advance!
Maybe you could implement a cheat code system that unlocks certain levels.
Or you could save the Unlocked levels as another attribute. So when the game starts up, if the value of that saved attribute is > 1, it will unlock the Pie level. Or the ham sandwich level.
Just make 2 quick updates
1st update make a Boolean attribute called paided an just put a block of code in that changes it to true and that save the attribute.
2 update remove that block of code that change the attribute to true and use that Boolean to do whatever.
Hopefully you paid users update to the 1st update
Would they let you make a second app, but called the "free" version, and the upfront payment version is a separate game?
Yea, I think I'll go off what you said and just make a lite version and to access all the levels it will link them to the paid version in the store! Thanks for your input guys!