What Apple Stuff do you Have/Want?
I have a PowerBook G4, Mac Mini (core solo) 8GB iTouch (2G) and I just ordered a 32GB so I can actually play my game... lol.
On the wish list are:
G3 DV iMac (graphite), G4 Cube, G4 iMac (20" Widescreen), iPad, iPhone 4, A new swanky Mac (iMac, perhaps?)
Sad, I know... I have owned Macs since the late nineties when I "turned". I'm an addict!
On the wish list are:
G3 DV iMac (graphite), G4 Cube, G4 iMac (20" Widescreen), iPad, iPhone 4, A new swanky Mac (iMac, perhaps?)
Sad, I know... I have owned Macs since the late nineties when I "turned". I'm an addict!
Looking at getting the iPhone 4 the end of this month!
I also want: Apple TV and I'll be complete... for now
At home 20" iMac with 2 gig ram. iPhone 3Gs. iPod nano.
I want an iPad and iPhone 4.
I want a iMac and a iPhone 4 which I should be getting soon
Cheers, Weswog
I have IMac 27 inch screen. Ipod Touch (2nd Gen 8gb) Ipod Nano 16gb, ipod shuffle 1gb.
Want: Ipad 3G 32GB
Have: 2 iPod touch 2g 16gb(will soon be selling to get our phones), aluminum unibody MacBook 2.4 ghz 4gbram, iPad wifi 32 gig, old 2g iPod classic 20gig
Recently sold: apple tv(never used it), 2006(late) iMac, Mac mini
By the way I have an iMac, MacBook and 3 iPhones
And that Gamecube Portable above had to be scrapped. It was overheating... but in August he's starting a new model, and it's thinner! I'm very excited! I'm such a Nintendo freak
Here's an N64 Mini
But he does other great portables like an N64, and others, and takes commissions, of course I'm first in line for a redo of the Gamecube one
Macbook Pro 15 inch, from around 2006.
iBook G4
iPhone 4 coming at the end of the month :P
iPad withing a 3 weeks, too. ^-^;
The N64 mini looks fun ;P
What? Chinese handheld N64? What's this beauty we speak of?? I need to look for that! I never knew they had it!
There is another handheld system that's shipping out already called "Pandora" It's open source, Linux based, and apparently, it can run N64 really well!
Yes I preordered this too, but I'm far down the list, so I'm still waiting....
I had a MASSIVE collection of stuff too, and sold most of it for around 10K on ebay.... I was sad to see it go, but I was never going to play it! It was basically a trophy room
@Peach: Yay on your iphone and iPad! You're getting both! Good for you!
I literally had almost every console. I had all the mainstream stuff as well as Neo-Geo, Neo-Geo CD, PC Engine (including hendhelds), Sega Nomad, Mega Jet... over 50 consoles at one point!
My most prized possessions were my Neo-Geo Pocket colour collection... I had almost every UK clamshell game for it. I think I was missing about 2 (at one stage had almost every Lynx game, too). I do have a Neo Geo Pocket Colour now but only 2 games, MOTM and Puzzle Bobble Mini. Oh, I have a PS2 as well but only have GT4.
I DID, however, keep one fave game from each system, all mint in box - not from every console, unfortunately... my whole collection is pretty much as follows: Shinobi (Master System), Virtua Racing (SMD), Shenmue (Dreamcast), Colin McRae Rally (Playstation), Zelda (NES - still sealed), Super Mario Kart (SNES), Street Fighter Anniversary Edition (Xbox), Shining Force CD (Mega CD), Sega Rally (Saturn, rare hard clamshell version), Virtua Racing Deluxe (32X), Enduro (Atari 2600), Tempest 2000 (Jaguar), Need for Speed (3DO)... probably a few more. I also recently picked up a BRAND NEW game for Intellivision... a console I never owned. Unofficial sequel to Ghouls'n Ghosts! VERY cool. I still have it sealed and the creator sent me a rom for playing with an emu - even has my name on the title screen! Was for review in a game mag. I've also ordered a couple of copies of Pier Solar for Mega Drive... REALLY waiting for that!
The Pandora looks cool, been watching it for a while... no one seems to axctually HAVE one yet, though... reminds me of the Phantom... wonder if Avatar will help them with sales... LOL.
iPhone 4
iPad 64Gb
MacBook 13" Black
What more could I want?
(I do need a 1st Gen iPod Touch though to fully test my game!
Quite the collector you were! and Zelda NES factory sealed.... amazing!
I still kept my original Final Fantasy Factory Sealed too.. one day I will sell it
I love the Neo Geo Pocket too! I still kept a lot of my handheld stuff including that with a collection of games like the Metal Slug 1& 2 series, as well as a handful of other games
I also have the Wonderswan Color crystal with some games, and a TON of gameboy advance, gameboy color, and Nintendo DS stuff... yes I love portables
WOW... the Ghouls and Ghosts thing is amazing! Love that homebrew stuff, and I did see some mega drive/ Genesis titles that were homebrew that looked really cool!
I still have a Sega Nomad, but I got rid of all my games, since I have a lot of those titles on the Virtual Console for Wii
I could talk about this stuff all day, love retro games!
The most expensive game I probably own is between Final Fantasy factory sealed for the NES OR Ninja 5-0 Factory sealed for Gameboy Advance.
I purchased that awhile back and never opened it, and apparently it's RARE
And I also kept all my Sega Saturn stuff including Panzer Dragoon Saga, Radiant Silvergun, and the Cotton series along with a bunch of Japanese imports.
Regarding Pandora: They've shipped 600 units so far, and apparently the Playstation 1 roms are running almost full speed already!
They're also working on an N64 emulator, they say it's slow, but it's in very early development so it should get a lot better
I'd like to go to the expo but I live in Australia... can't even afford to move back to NZ, let alone a holiday to the US! LOL.
Yea I agree on Saturn Stuff, a majority of the titles I own are Japanese imports like Radiant Silvergun, Cotton Series, Outrun, Sega Ages series, and other great shooters and platformers.
The system died early here, so only a handful of games were worthy of keeping like the Panzer Dragoon series, Astal, and some of the RPG's that you mentioned
Oh Australia is too far to travel for a little expo like that, but I'll try to take lots of pictures, and come back with a slideshow of sorts
Still though, top 5 games of all time: Need For Speed (3DO), Tempest 2000, Street Fighter II, Super Mario Kart and Shenmue... probably. LOL.
Shenmue was great for it's time, and different, but also quite boring and slow
@Eastbound: Yes, I am what you would call a Hardcore Gamer
I have quite a 'trophy room' of old systems and games, though I think it would pale next to yours!
And PSP is my least fave system too. Amazing how Nintendo trounced a newcomer *again* with older and inferior hardware!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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