Button Problem
In main menu I have four buttons - Start, instructions/how to, credits, and quit. When I add the change scene behaviour for start to lead to the first level, it works, but when I press the other three buttons, they also lead to level one rather than the scenes I wanted it to lead to.
In the Change Scene Behavior there is a pull down menu to choose which scene to jump too, make sure the correct scene is picked for each button. Sounds like you have them all jumping to 'next scene'.
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The behaviour i chose was 'change scene' and put the right scene into it but it still leads to level one regardless of the button i click
Weird, can you post images of the four change scene behaviors/rule sets for review?
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It's possible you have something on your other scenes that is changing to the first scene. Add a log debugging statement to an actor in each scene and see if the statements show up in the Debugger window.
Also, delete and re-add the actors to the scene and preview again. It may be a prototype/instance issue.
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Here are three of my buttons, they all have the similar set up, they all are set up to go to the scenes that they are allocated to:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/5l4521jirgft238/Play Button Rule.PNG?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/m6s2c2whxphphm0/Settings Button Rule.PNG?dl=0
@tahlia.kwan@sydstu.catholic.edu.au Instead of mouse is down, try when touch is pressed. Also, your chemistry lab rule may be conflicting with your next scene rule because both fire "when mouse is down."
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@Summation is right. When Mouse is Down means whenever the scene is clicked ANYWHERE. You need to change all of your button rules to When Touch is Pressed, which means that the ACTOR is clicked.
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