What am I doing wrong? Error in Delivering App
Member, PRO Posts: 173
I have been trying since yesterday. I have even deleted all profiles, certificates GS and Reloaded. I still get the following error
Application Loader is Currently unavaiable
We're having trouble connecting to the app store,
No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'com.herenzona.flipping.flappy.iphone' is correct.
It has to be something that I am doing wrong.
I use my bundle identifier that I cut and paste from my Apple Developer file
make sure theres no space at the end when you paste it. Also, it sounds like connect is having problems again. I suggest trying later in the day.
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Hey, I'm having the same problem. Does anyone know of a solution?
@taitang? You usually have a solution, Any help?
Make sure you are using the correct profile. Either development, or distribution. You need a seperate profile for each. It is confusing, and easy to pick the wrong one. In the name of your profiles include "dev" or "dis" to distinguish them. I find this helps
So, I checked, and my profiles are the same, so now what?
Well I feel sheepish:
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No offense QS, I've just always loved your logo.
So, my bundle ID didn't match the one I had in itunes connect... But I think I fixed it now.
Thanks guys
Oh, yeah, and when I said they were the same earlier, turns out they were not.