@Armelline Just stumbled upon your toggle template and it looks perfect for what I need! One quick question, though ...
Is it possible to toggle on/off all sound effects at once? Maybe something like a game attribute, in apposition to individual self attributes per actor?
For example:
Toggle off = ALL sound effects throughout game - volume 0.
Toggle on = ALL sound effects throughout game - volume 100.
@As Of Latte said:
Is it possible to toggle on/off all sound effects at once? Maybe something like a game attribute, in apposition to individual self attributes per actor?
Absolutely, a game attribute will do exactly what you need.
the image didn't show up but it worked like it was going to
Sorry that image isn't showing still. Perhaps it's best to wait until you're home and try the demos/post your image from there.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
don't have internet at home
@Armelline Just stumbled upon your toggle template and it looks perfect for what I need! One quick question, though
Is it possible to toggle on/off all sound effects at once? Maybe something like a game attribute, in apposition to individual self attributes per actor?
For example:
Toggle off = ALL sound effects throughout game - volume 0.
Toggle on = ALL sound effects throughout game - volume 100.
Hope I'm making sense, haha.
Absolutely, a game attribute will do exactly what you need.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@Phoenix256 make an integer self attribute , call it switch ,
make a rule , when touch is pressed
change attribute self.switch to mod((self.switch+1),2)
**This will change self.switch to 1 or 0 **
then create a rule that says
when attribute self.switch = 1
change image & pause music
change image & resume music
now everytime you touch it it will trigger either 1 or 0 so if its one it will play music if its 0 it will pause. hope this helps
Edit : i did not notice that this was an old thread sorry about that !