Transpancy = Empty Space. Possible?

Hi there, I'm wondering if it's possible to have the the transparent space in a .png image equate to empty space (meaning a object with gravity can fall through it). It seems when an object collides it'll do so with the total size of the image (transparency and all) and not just what is visible.
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance

Hope that helps,
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Still i'd like some way to offset the coordinate center of an object from it's collision area / visual shape
it'd be great for doing grabbing arms, rotating objects etc.
Just look at DS Scribblenauts for ideas! ;-)
Psd import could be cool, YET there are still a lot of decisons that the user must make manually - IE.what is a character, wall, floor, power up etc? Not to mention the actual game logic. Also this could take a lot of time to implement
// Red Dot Inc