[Solved] Actor Color
I have an attribute titled "Image", and two actors that are set up like this:
(Actor 1)
If touch is pressed
change attribute Image to Blue
(Actor 2)
If attribute Image is Blue
change image to BlueActor1
But, for some reason, it keeps chaning the color of the actor instead of the image, making the entire actor turn black. I've done the same with pink and it lightens the entire actor (presumably because it makes the actor pink). Does anyone think they have an answer to this?
The problem will undoubtedly be caused by the way you have your rules set up.
What am I doing wrong?
Like I say, issues in GameSalad are almost always a result of the way you have your rules set up (a faulty equation, a behaviour in the wrong place, an attribute typed instead of selected from the drop down, a decimal point in the wrong place . . . etc etc), so without anyone being able to see the rules that make up your project it's pretty much impossible to say.
@Socks The weird thing is, I did the exact same thing on a new, blank project and it worked! But, my actual game, still has the problem.
Which only supports the idea that the way you have your rules set up (or something within those rules) is causing the issue, if you upload a screenshot of the offending rule I'm sure someone will be able to figure out the issue.
Here, I'm a little hesitant about screenshoting my game, so I'll show you what the rules are.
That's excactly what it is, word for word. Hope that helps.
Is game.CustomColor a text attribute? And is there an image file called BlueActor2.png? And are you using Creator on a PC? You didn't create an attribute named self.image, did you? I assume you're using the built-in self.Image attribute.
What happens when you Display Text self.Image and click on actor 1? Do you see "BlueActor2" or something else?
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1: Yes,
2: Yes,
3: Yes,
4: No,
5: Yes,
6: and I'll try that out.
I'll get back to you ASAP.
@tatiang So, it displays that it changes to BlueActor2.
I'm guessing this is some sort of PC Creator bug because I've never experienced this.
You may have already seen this but it addresses common issues: http://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/59247/windows-creator-first-stop-if-you-experience-unexpected-behaviours#latest.
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@tatiang Love the article, but my bug is still not fixed. I believe I am using version 0.11, but I'm not entirely sure. Do you think I shoul report it to Gamesalad?
A screenshot of the actual rules would be more useful, people can make mistakes without noticing them when they transcribe.
@Socks I just don't want to screenshot or file share since my game's almost done. I just don't think it's a good idea. There are people who can probably code much faster than me. Sorry Socks.
You are already showing us what the rules are doing, why can't we see a screenshot of those actual rules ? No one is asking to see your game or your artwork or all your other rules and behaviours and so on, just the rules you've already typed out ?
Sorry, But this is from my main actor, so it would end up showing stuff that I don't want anyone seeing. Plus you could get a glimpse of my actors and attributes by accident.
I was asking you to take a screenshot of just the rules you are trying to fix, absolutely nothing else, just those two rules.
Please stop asking. I told you, I'm sorry but no.
Lol, no problem ! I think you misunderstood what I was asking for, but of course I can't force you to take a screenshot !
But I simply can't see how taking a screenshot of two rules you have already shared would be an issue, anyhow no big deal, good luck with sorting this out.
@Socks I over reacted. But I'm having trouble putting in a screenshot. Can you give me instructions?
@tiger27 To add a screenshot, upload it to a file-sharing site and then post/embed the link here (Pro members can directly embed files without the need to use a third-party site).
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@tatiang or @Socks Do you know any free, reliable, secure file saving sites?
@Socks I just realized that my actor's image may be overlaying for some reason. I still need to find a good file sharing site.
@tiger27 If you have a gmail account you can put it in your Google Drive and set the share permissions on it. What I do sometimes is put a project there, make it sharable, get the sharable link, then post the link in a private message if I'm concerned about others seeing it.
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@Summation Thanks! I'll do that soon.
@tatiang or @Socks or @Summation I realized that my actor's images are overlaying for some reason. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I don't know what that means. Are the actors in positions where their widths or heights would overlap? Is the problem that you can see through to the image below or that you can't?
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@tatiang My actors seem to, when being told to become a dark image version of itself, such as blue, it seems to turn dark, in this case dark navy blue. When I do the same with something such as pink, it turns really bright. It's either that it's images are overlapping or that the color of the actor is being affected, rather than the image.
I'll just echo what tatiang says above, I also don't know what "actor's images are overlaying" means ?
Do you have a blending mode turned on, on the actors? Are you changing the actors color via the actors attributes?
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@Socks and @tatiang It means basically that there's one image and another image. Somehow one goes over the other causing a weird color of the actor. A simple explanation: