Rule conflict? and Table questions.

I'm trying to get some buttons to be in a specific place depending on which party is selected. I have the them set so when they spawn, they should move to the appropriate place. Changing the self.Position X/Y to table attributes. This works fine, as long as one of my other rules is not active. If it is, it doesn't work at all.

The rule that's getting in the way is to change the color of the button plate, indicating the health of the character in that slot. The health is logged in a table, so I have my rules as:

If (numeric expression) tableCellValue(game.activetable, self.button, 4) ≥ 66 - change image to [green button]
if ≥33 AND <66 - change image to [yellow button]
if <33, change to [red button]

Independently, these rules work. Both turned on, even if they are the only rules turned on, and they do not work.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here, or have a better way to do it?

Also, about tables-
I have a lot of data being read out of tables at the beginning of scenes, and more throughout the scene. How many things do you think you can have querying tables before it just doesn't work? When I have everything going, my frame rate suffers, with very few actors moving on the screen, but I notice that if I plug numbers directly into rules, instead of directing those rules to a table attribute, I can salvage a little bit of frame rate. Should I maybe put some on short timers so they aren't all trying to load at once?

Game size is currently 4.7 MB.

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