Actor only gets a point if the actor collides with first actor first

Mayhem_MadnessMayhem_Madness Member, PRO Posts: 168

Hello everyone, i have an a ball actor that when collides with a post actor it gets one point and the scene resets, however, i want the ball actor to collide with a different actor first, a circle, before he can collide with the post actor to get the point. If the ball actor doesn't collide with the circle actor first and it goes on to collide with the post actor, i want the ball actor to be destroyed.
So does anyone have any ideas on how i would do that.




  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    When the ball actor collides with the circle actor, change game.hitCircle (boolean) to true. Then use game.hitCircle as the rule condition for either adding a point and resetting the scene (be sure to change game.hitCircle back to false before the Reset Scene) or destroying the ball actor.

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  • Mayhem_MadnessMayhem_Madness Member, PRO Posts: 168

    @tatiang said:
    When the ball actor collides with the circle actor, change game.hitCircle (boolean) to true. Then use game.hitCircle as the rule condition for either adding a point and resetting the scene (be sure to change game.hitCircle back to false before the Reset Scene) or destroying the ball actor.

    Thank you very much tatiang.

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