Copy Table not working? -- row and column names being deleted.
Anyone else having problems with the Copy Table behavior in the latest update? While the behavior doesn't crash Creator anymore, neither does it actually copy any data, instead just erasing all data. At least as far as I tried? Anyone with success?
I attach a simple test project to demonstrate.
Oh, and yes, the bug has been reported.
Table issues continue, @BlackCloakGS @stevej
Confirmed and being investigated:
My game is crashing when I run my LOAD GAME process.
I use several Copy Table behaviours in a row. I copy a bunch of "saved" tables over a bunch of "live tables", which usually results in loading a bunch of my save game data.
But in Creator 0.13.31 and 0.13.32, it crashes right at this point.
Have your Copy Table issues been resolved?
I'm kind of stuck on it! It completely freezes up the Creator. I have to Force Quit. Hard to debug!
Yes, this particular issue has been resolved. It wasn't copying over Row and Column names, which now works.
Copying a lot of table data can be quite slow, in my experience, though. I haven't had Creator freezing on me. How large is your data set (rows*columns)?
I've been using an older version of Creator for my project for many many months, and it works fine, and quickly.
Now, it's just hanging.
My tables are fairly large.
I have "three versions" of the world map table, one that contains all the tile names, one that contains 0's and 1's (revealed or not revealed), and one that contains CutsceneLocations. All are about 256x400. Another contains QuestVariables. That's fairly small (10x40 or something).
Is it a problem if some of my table cells have no values in them? Some of my tables contain empty cells.
They used to default to "0", but perhaps now it crashes if there's an empty cell in a table?
No, empty cells should be fine, I usually have empty cells in my tables as well.
I'll report a b ug to Game Salad, and hopefully figure out what's going on.
I went to work on the project last night, and was brought to an immediate halt by the game simply not working anymore.
Just when I thought I couldn't lose another project to Game Salad updates. Bam, another one is lying on the slab. Hopefully I can debug it, and it's something I'm just doing wrong.
Sometimes there are bugs that are seemingly unrelated (not the first thing you think of), but they push your project to its knees. When I was working on my AI pathfinding system (since abandoned, after GS announced a native one to be included in v 0.14), it stopped working suddenly after an update. Some rules were firing and others weren't. Something had changed and I had no idea what it was. It turned out to be the bug in this thread. Because row/column names weren't being copied on Copy Table, some of the data used for the AI calculation could not be accessed. It took me two days of setting up sample test projects to nail down what was causing it. Yes, sometimes a new GS update makes you want to cry...
Are there any new guidelines about how to use Tables, that's changed in the past 3 or 4 months?
I was using 0.11.13, I think, for quite some time, as I found it stable and great for working on my Tile RPG game.
Is there anything in specific I should be looking out for, do you know, that has changed? New best practices, or "don't do this" things to look out for?
Actually, Game Salad Creator just HANGS when I try to import my table.
It's a table of 1s and 0s, and it's 365 x 900.
Is there a hard limit on the size of tables or something now, causing it to crash?
Is there no "Auto" Import setting for tables anymore?
That could really break my game logic, if I have to add types to each column at the top. Does that offset the numbers of the data in my table? Or can I just add that column, and my old data will still be considered to be at the same row numbers?
Importing a table used to take about 2 seconds. Now it takes about 90 seconds.
Perhaps my game hasn't frozen up when I hit Save, perhaps I just need to wait about 700 seconds for my save game to work, when it used to take about 3 seconds?
This is weirding me out. Any suggestions, ideas, help?
There should be. In any case, having row names and type in the CSV doesn't offset the numbers in your data.