would really appreciate someones help
Hi all i am working on a very large RPG project and i am four months in and i have a million things to get done would really appreciate it if someone could help me with the inventory system i am doing 90% of this project by myself and i don't have a big budget i can pay a small amount. The inventory system is fairly simple there is 16 slots for consumable items (potions and what not) that can stack up and another 16 slots for key items. You can receive items from a shop keeper or if u find a chest or a monster might drop an item after you defeat it. I don't need help making it myself i need someone who can make it for me than provide it to me so i can put it into my game.
This is the layout to give an indication of how its set out.
Asking others to do work for you for free is actually against forum rules:
If this is a paid request, you need to be clear about that. From the sound of it, you might benefit from asking questions... I don't actually see a specific question so it's hard to know how to help you.
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Stormy made a nice inventory system that has been extremely popular but its not free, video and link is below if you want to take a look of it in action.
Thanks for the link but unfortunately I don't think this system would work for me