Clock Year showing incorrect year on kindle
Hello GS peeps!
I'm using the device clock feature. on the computer shows fine however on my kindle instead of showing 2015 its showing 115 ??? Has anyone had similar problem ???
The day, time is showing fine both on the device and computer.
Have you tried another game to see if its your clock settings on your kindle thats wrong? Or bugged
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Hmm interesting. In fact im going to try on a different device to test it. Cheers
FYI: Android calculates dates like this:
year: 0 is 1900.
months: 0 - 11.
day: 1 - 31.
Oh I see so that's why it wasn't calculating correctly! I will try and let you know thank you for info!!
Unfortunately I couldn't test on my other android device, to see why it's showing the year as 115 and not 2015..
Can anyone tell if they tried on their Kindle or Android that the game.Clock.Year function shows correctly? thank you
I found two posts showing the same problem