Removing In App Purchase
Hello everyone . So I am working on the in app purchase of my game. I had set up the in app purchase system and it works well. But I can't find a way to remove the buy inapp purchase button once it has been bought. ( IT IS AN REMOVE ADS IAP ) . In my buy IAP button , I set it to change 2 attributes once it has been bought .
-change attribute (game.ads_off) to TRUE
-change table value (player's state,1,1) to TRUE . ( In my player's state table only has the Ads_Off Boolean )
So I set up another rule in the buy IAP button which says :
When (game.ads_off) is (true)
When (game.player's state,1,1) is (true)
Destroy this actor
I have changed the two attributes value to true and I displayed them too to make sure nothing goes wrong
But , the button still not being destroyed !
What is the problem ?
It's hard to tell exactly without seeing the code, but it is likely that your destroy actor behavior is nested in another behavior that is not allowing it to fire properly. (Android) | (Android) | (Android)
ill try to find it out later...