How to stop actor when other actor(button) is touched?
The buttons I have are pause, play, home, settings ,etc.
When you touch the screen, my actor jumps. Since, my other buttons are also on the screen, when I touch the home button, my actor jumps as well. How do I stop this? It could be irritating to the player and have them accidentally hit an obstacle.
One way would be to not allow the entire screen to be a button for jumping. Use an invisible actor placed over only a portion of the screen, but NOT over the pause, play, home and settings button to control the jumping. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
The thing is that I have a "Are you sure?" pop up in the middle of the screen. It has a "yes" and a "no" button. I can create a transparent actor around everything,but since the "yes" and "no" buttons are near the center of the screen, I do not want to leave that spot blank because there is a high chance the player is going to tap that area to make the player jump
when the are you sure menu pops up, you could hide the large jump button by moving out of the screen bounds. Then put it back after a choice is made. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Ok, thats what I have been doing.
1) How do I get my paused character to freeze in its spot? It keeps dropping down back to the ground.
2) When I push my replay button to reset the screen, my character starts off jumping continuously, but goes back to normal once touch the screen.
Boolean: Jump
Transparent Background touched = jump true
Transparent Background released = jump false