3 Merged Projects
@Armelline I thought you might know the answer so tagged you. I used DBA's tool to merge three projects. But now I have three of the IAP tables. Is this going to cause any problem as I can't seem to delete the extra ones? Or will the first one be automatically chosen when communicating with Apple?
Is it possible to rename the extra ones?
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I would direct this question to @BlackCloakGS or a different staff member
Merging of projects isn't officially supported by GameSalad, and DBA's tool for doing so is pretty limited, and was designed before the PurchaseTables were introduced. If having the extra ones will cause a problem is something that you can only really establish through testing. Personally, though, I'd manually remove them from the XML files and tables folder, just to be safe.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Yeah I wouldn't bother using our tool as Armelline has said "its pretty limited" just spend days/weeks/months doing it the hard way.
Although not officially supported by GS during a Skype chat a while back they told me they loved it and thought everyone should have it.
I will do some tests but it should be possible to delete or rename the extra tables.
Sigh. Fine, I'll be more specific: "The tool has the limitation that it will not allow you to select specific actors, scenes, tables, attributes to merge, but only allows you to merge entire projects."
I think you wildly overestimate the time and effort involved in merging projects by hand. It really isn't that complicated or difficult.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
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@Summation Dammit I thought I caught that before anyone noticed.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Thanks a lot everyone. Nice typo @Armelline lol. I'll try deleting the XML files which I believe are in the package contents?
Oh and yeah I haven't been able to alter the names of the purchase tables as well.
I sent this to @dreichelt in our private conversation but will add it here for anyone else who wants to reference:
Yes - there are two places you'll need to make changes:
1 - object.xml
Locate the object.xml file and then open it in TextEdit or similar software. Search for "purchaseTable". You'll find a line that looks something like this:
Make a note of the id (274911 in this case) and then delete that line. The file will be one giant mess of a paragraph probably, but you need to just delete from
"<table" to "/table>"
.2 - tables folder
Find the tables folder and locate the XML file named the same as the id you noted before. Delete that file.
That's it. So long as you delete the same id in both places, everything should be fine.
(You can do essentially the reverse to add tables past the 50 table limit, too.)
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support