Cookie Clicker game type question
In a game like cookie clicker how would you trigger a change in the points per click determined by the speed you are tapping at? For example if have a TPM "Taps Per Minute" of 20 and I get it up to 30 then I could have a X2 kick in so that now I'm getting 40 TPM. Anyone know how to do this?
Just make a multiplier attribute called "Multiplier"
Set your damage per minute to
TapsPerMinute * Multiplier
Make sure that multiplier is never less than 1.
When you want to have the multiplier in use, change attribute multiplier to 2 =<.
@RabidParrot thanks for that but I'm still at a loss as to how to trigger it to change to x2 or more. How can I have the multiplier detect the speed at which the taps are happening from the game player?
When touch is pressed change attribute TapCount to TapCount+1
If attribute TapCount/60 > .5 change attribute Multiplier to 2
otherwise change Multiplier to 1
Every 60 seconds change TapCount to 0
I'm doing this all in my head, so cut me some slack...
Haha slack will be cut for you. Your last post actually got me thinking as well. I made a game level integer for the multiplier and also made a game level integer called Taps per second. I put an invisible actor on screen that changes taps per second to taps per second +1 each time it's touched. I also put in every second to have taps per second change to 0. Lastly I coded in if taps per touch is 3 or more then to have the multiplier change which will then of course trigger the extra points. I'll also see what you just posted and see if that is more succinct. Either way, you got me thinking in the right direction so thank you very much. I would have stared at my screen otherwise lol.