IAP not working while ad-hoc testing
When i do ad-hoc testing on my game , the in app purchase won't work .
When i click on the purchase button , the game just freeze and not working anymore.
Is it that my in app purchase details have not been uploaded?
Now my in app purchase shows like this in my iTunes connect:
Is it that my game couldn't get the details from apple during ad-hoc or what?
well i tested mine after i uploaded a screenshot of it and it worked fine. does it ask u to log in or not?
i think i know what's wrong with it .
i'll try it again later
ok... i still face the same problem....
But before i didn't set up the sandbox tester and now i have set it up and run the ad-hoc but still no window that prompt for username and password pop up?
@hoomann210 no.... it didn't ask me to log in and i have already logged out of my apple account before testing it
@hoomann210 is your in app purchase's status same as mine ? ( Waiting for upload )
@GameSecret no mine is ready to submit...just import a screenshot of it and let's see what happens next...it think at least it should try to communicate with the server instead of freezing...my app freezes when it's trying to load the advertisement
ok thanks i'll try that.
Well no wonder it doesnt work cause Game Salad Sucks, IT STOPPED WORKING AFTER HOURS OF HARD WORK AND DIDNT EVEN MAKE A BACKUP.
@gamesaladsucks what do u mean it stopped working?
Stopped responding
So furious
well it never happened to me before..i usually save my project every 30min in case something like that happens but it never stops responding...don't think it's gamesalad problem..and as for making backup i agree with you
@GameSecret hey what happened to your IAP? did u get it fixed?
@hoomann210 ya i did . I had checked my in app purchase status once again and noticed it was different as yours . So i did some researches and i found out that i had enabled "Hosting with Apple" option. After i unchecked it , everything works like charm !
by the way , thank you @homann210
@GameSecret you're welcome...glad it works now