Started app on iPhone 6 Landscape...possible to make universal build by not moving everything?
I should have read bout this earlier, but I saw that all past methods to make your game universal all have to start with an iPad.
1) Is there a way around to make a universal build with iPhone 6 Landscape?
2) How do I make my game only playable on Landscape (preventing the iPhone gyroscope from putting it on Portrait)?
3) For every adjustment I make in the preview setting, like changing iPhone 5 to overscan, does it save the orientation for each device, so I can be sure the game is working correctly on each device?
1) Read the instructions in my signature. The short answer is yes you can create a UB in any platform using overscan provided you design for it
2) In the inspector panel click Scene and under Autorotate you can set your orientation
3) It will use whatever you set it to in the above answer
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
So, Finally got my app on the GS Viewer. I have all my scenes checked off as Left Landscape, yet it is still affected when a user rotates their device in portrait.
When you published did you check landscape on the publishing web page?
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
The GS Viewer doesn't lock its orientation, it always auto rotates regardless of the project. For a more accurate representation of your app, create an ad hoc build.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I didn't publish it yet, I am still testing it.
Ok, I got an AdHoc Provisoning Profile, how do I get the viewer to display the Ad Hoc build rather than the development build. I just followed the cookbook for this and everything just seemed to do itself. Like it chose to use the development build instead. Still trying to get the hang of this.
The viewer is not used for adhoc testing.
For android just create an .apk and install it on your device.
For iOS set up your app id, ad hoc provisioning profile in iTunesConnect, create your .app, then plug your device open Xcode, go to window-devices, then chose your device and drag the .app inside the application window.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
So I still have to publish on gamesalad, do iTunes connect. Im hesitant on doing these things because I am not entirely done with my game. I don't want An incomplete game published, but I want to test it as realistically. Can I go back and edit any of these steps for iOS so there isn't an incomplete game in the App Store.
You are not submitting your game to any store. The word publishing confuses lots of people, but thats just what its called in gamesalad's publishing portal. All it will be doing is creating the file/folder of your game. Submitting to the an actual App Store requires more steps, so don't worry about that. Your game will only be in your accounts publishing portal, not in the public.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una