Extremely Basic Question about Universal Build. What happens if you don't do anything?

iKandyiKandy Imagineer of Crazy ShitNew York CityMember Posts: 310

I've reviewed many of the tutorials about Universal Build. They all involve creating scripts for changing camera size for each device, etc.

My EXTREMELY BASIC question about "Universal Build" is this:

Q.) What happens if you don't do anything? Does the publishing as "Universal Build" adapt the game to all the device sizes by default?


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    No. The easiest "do nothing" option is "Stretch". This will force your game to fit the screen size, but it will distort how things look in your game.

    If you do nothing, what will happen will depend on the option you choose:

    • Stretch - Everything will be distorted, but Apple will probably accept your game
    • Overscan - The sides (or top/bottom) will be cut off and Apple will probably reject your game
    • Letterbox - The proportions of everything will remain correct but there will be black bars at the sides/top/bottom and Apple will reject your game.

    The popular method these days seems to be Stretch with logic to avoid distortion. I personally prefer overscan with logic to resize/reposition.

  • iKandyiKandy Imagineer of Crazy Shit New York CityMember Posts: 310

    Thank you, Armeline.

  • RowdyPantsRowdyPants Member Posts: 465

    @Armelline said:
    The popular method these days seems to be Stretch with logic to avoid distortion. I personally prefer overscan with logic to resize/reposition.

    Overscan with logic for the win!

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