[Solved] Problem I can't figure out at all
- New Button
- Score
- Highscore
- Replay
- Home Button
- Score Screen
- Game Over Title
All of these actors follow the rule: If Game.Game Over is true = position to a spot ON the screen. If Game. Game Over is false = position to a spot OFF the screen. Its so simple, I don't get why my score screen and game over title aren't moving. Every other actor works. I have been looking back and forth for hours and the "code" is identical.
If moving them on and off screen isn't working for you, you could always try turning alpha to zero to make them invisible when you don't need them, and then back to one when you do.
Mathtap.com (Android) | Fridgemanager.com (Android) | Breakoutofspace.com (Android)
By any chance, did the actors on the scene get unlocked? If yes, then they won't follow their respective prototype.
might sound simple, but did you check how the screens are layered. Sometimes I overlook this, and it causes all kinds of problems.
I checked it, and it was unlocked. This is the first time it happened to me. I clicked revert to prototype and everything works. Saved me a lot of time and headache.
Great! Glad that got sorted out.