Button problem

StrongRumStrongRum Member Posts: 4
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hiya I'm having a problem with my button. I have made an actor and given it the rule that when the actor recieves event, 'touch' is pressed. But the problem is that where ever I touch on the screen it triggers that button? not sure what I am doing wrong here?

I also followed the drag and drop tutorial for another actor and that effects it where ever I touch the screen?

It is as if I am only able to have one touch command for each scene?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks :-)


  • iDeveloperziDeveloperz Member Posts: 1,169
    Can you send me the project please and i'll have a look.


  • StrongRumStrongRum Member Posts: 4
    I have sent it over to you.... thanks :-)
  • iDeveloperziDeveloperz Member Posts: 1,169
    Dont worry all I ask for in return is a payment of $20.


    Just joking.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    iDeveloperz said:
    Dont worry all I ask for in return is a payment of $20.


    Just joking.

    He meant to say $100


    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • iDeveloperziDeveloperz Member Posts: 1,169

    It's because you got...

    When mouse button is down. That means it will do it when the mouse is down what so ever. Just delete that part on all rules that have it and your set to go. (But don't delete the [When touch is pressed]).

    I'll take my $100 via paypal. Just getting the link now.

  • iDeveloperziDeveloperz Member Posts: 1,169
    But anyway. Glad I could help.

    Im off to bed now, working tomorrow.

    Farewell fellow gamesalader's.
  • StrongRumStrongRum Member Posts: 4
    Thanks dude lol... I have still yet to fix the touch being offset to the actor though?!
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