Profile Provisioning
So im following a video from tshirtbooth. Now outdated, still managing to find my way around, but one problem! In it he opens up his profileprovision in xcode. Iv installed xcode and can not get it to open up like it does in his video, i have no clue what to do now. Any help
Here are my publishing tutorials...I believe as much help to you as possible.
Watch the 3rd video @joelloyd
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
this is better, but i cant find the binary part as itunes connect has changed, any ideas? thanks a lot
You still upload your binary just as my in the video. After you have uploaded your game to iTunes connect you just scroll down in iTunes connect...under you app and chose a build. I feel you are not doing things in a sequence as is required.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
in the choose build part in itunes connect it says "Submit your builds using Xcode 5.1.1 or later, or Application Loader 3.0 or later." not anything about binary, what to do from here? thanks
@joelloyd Have you uploaded the app with Application Loader already?
If you have, there should be a blue + sign next to the "build" text in iTunes connect. Click that and select the build.
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didnt see this in any videos, knew there was somat missing haha. So up load to application loader?
i did finally get it to load on my phone to test, just worrying about the sending process now, not many tutorials and things have changed