Change actor with click in different scene

I need to change the actor(glove) when a person clicks the buttons in the shop scene.


  • PubathedogPubathedog Member Posts: 5

    It's just a basic store that needs to change the character image, when an upgrade happens.

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    The way you communicate between actors is by changing the value of a game attribute. So create one for each item -- or better yet, use tables to store the values and then have rules that change the image based on the attribute or table cell values.

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  • PubathedogPubathedog Member Posts: 5

    I don't quiet understand what you mean. I'm kinda new to this. Can you please give me a step by step instruction on how to do this?

  • Bowhill GamesBowhill Games Member Posts: 191

    Say you want to change the gloves, create a game attribute called gloves and set it to 0 as default, then when the player clicks your shop button change game atribute to 1, 2, 3 ect

    Against your player or gloves actor have a rule
    If game atribute gloves = 0 display image..
    If game atribute gloves = 1 display image...

    So the game atribute defines what image is shown

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  • PubathedogPubathedog Member Posts: 5

    thank you.

  • Bowhill GamesBowhill Games Member Posts: 191

    No problem

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