An actor that is touched can not be touched again. How do I achieve this?
So, to put it basically, I have various actors, and when they are tapped it activates certain things. But they are only meant to be tapped and activate the certain things Once. After they are tapped and have activated the things they are supposed to, they do some animations and stuff, then get destroyed. But during that time of animations and before being destroyed, theres a split second where they can be tapped again, and re activate and affect things again.
How would you go about preventing actors from being messed with more than once during runtime?
Create a self.attribute in the actor a boolean name it activated.
On your touch is pressed rule add another condition of if attribute self.activated is false. Then have it change self.attribute to true upon touch.
This way it can only be touched once since it required self.activated to be false.
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