Whats the easiest way to make a level selection menu?
Just curious as to what people have done in the past in making a level (or scene) selection menu, maybe a pop up notification or an actual physical menu?
Just curious as to what people have done in the past in making a level (or scene) selection menu, maybe a pop up notification or an actual physical menu?
I use a scene. You can still do a popular style or slide in. But I'm working on a world map right now like Cookie Jam or Candy Crush. Which works in a similar way to angry birds panning when the scene starts it moves to the next level unlocked or stays at current level.
There's tons of ways to make a level select menu.
In my current game, it's 3 scenes with 10 levels each and navigation buttons to go back and forth. Could I have done it a different way, sure. I could have used one scene and had it write dynamically. There are also map level selections, like Kingdom Rush... semi-map selections like Candy Crush.
Many different ways and a bunch of video tutorials on Youtube for it.
Could have made it one big scene. But there is probably no point if you have created separate scenes. I built mine on one big map with hidden worlds each world completed give an achievement and I hides the next Upon completion. I have 300 levels right now.
I use some tiles graphics along side some duplicate graphics. And some unique to build my map so I don't use too much memory for a quick load
My first app has ten thousand levels.
If you want to check out how I did the level select, the game is free on Google Play.
Mathtap.com (Android) | Fridgemanager.com (Android) | Breakoutofspace.com (Android)
Is there an iPhone version?
You can try our free level select template thats super easy to edit (simply drag another level select actor onto the scene).
Blood Flow (below) has unlimited levels so we simply saved the current level and displayed it with a custom font.
You mean for mine?
No, not yet unfortunately.
I'd need to either buy a Mac or find out how to use a service like macincloud because (I believe) Apple requires you to have a Mac to publish to iOS.
Mathtap.com (Android) | Fridgemanager.com (Android) | Breakoutofspace.com (Android)
Don't need a Mac, just the Apple sdk game salad generates the file online.
Actually, you do need a mac. For example, you need Xcode or Application Loader to upload your file to itunes connect. And those are Mac only apps.
I think you also need a mac to create the dev certificates for Apple.
Mental Donkey Games
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Lucky I have a Mac then!
thank you for the info
So I was thinking more like the way aa does it (which on a total unrelated side note, I've noticed a lot of things about that game that lead me to believe it's a GS game which is pretty cool I guess), where you hit choose level, and it just pulls up an on screen notification menu, with a keypad. How would you do this? And how would it change with android?