Reusable actors
Hi guys
Assuming you have different games in different folders on your PC, like me, is there a way to copy over one actor from one game to the other, so you can utilize in the second game all of its behaviours, attributes etc. that it took you so much effort to create in the first game or do you have to start all over?
yeah I wish that worked!
from one game to another?? doesnt work for me
On Mac I've definitely dragged an dropped from one to another. You can't do it with scenes, but you can do it with actors. Have two windows open on the actor area, one from your previous game and one from your new game, then drag over the actor from your old game into your new game. The only issue you'll run into is if the actor references game or scene attributes. You'll have to make those all over again and relink them. You'll also have to reimport all the images.
So basically, yes you can mostly copy over an actor. At least most of the logic, which is the hard part anyway.
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Seems I cannot open two simulateneous sessions of GameSalad on the PC.