Sharing Analytics and Insights
Some Insight right now. The Games contain 1 In-App to removed ads, iAd Banners and Chartboost interstitial video ads and pop ups.
itunes Analytics
Chartboost measured Performance is decreasing as I guess the App's hype is over.
Money earned decreased even more because the eCPM went down dramatically($30 down to $2-4) together with the lower amount of Players. Im right now close to my all time low excluding the early start month.
I am mostly wonder if I should be more aggressive with the ads. Right now I show the first Chartboost ad after 140 seconds and after that every 100 seconds.
What you guys think?
Looks like you´re still doing quite well. Nice insights.
I have not played much of your games, except Orcs.
Often when you come up with an update to the game, i´m done with the new quests before i can see any ads. Then i collect some wood and upgrade some units and stop playing.
Usually i see only one ad during the time i play Orcs, so maybe the first ad should come a little earlier if you want more impressions.
Just my thought...
Mental Donkey Games
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Thanks @NipaDidIt
I could do the 140 seconds one only for the first boot up and than for re-playing Players always on 100 seconds.
Great to now that you play the updates
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I found it really beneficial to show an interstitial ad every 10 seconds during a Game Over scene. If the player quickly hits the replay button they won't see the ad. But, a person who plays the level and sits at the Game Over scene for +10 seconds they will receive an ad. It has increased my impressions a lot.
@RabidParrot That´s actually a very clever idea!
I would imagine this to be much less annoying to the player than an ad between scene changes.
Mental Donkey Games
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Thanks for sharing Dave
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you sure do really well @BigDave I recently became in contact with one of the amazon's appstore managers. He asked for permission to make a game FAD. We kept talking about my future games, and he was really interested and nice about it. He gave one of my games multiple promotions on amazon, so I would have some more money to continue my games, which resulted in an extra $800. I think this shows how important it is to connect with as many people as possible, especially with store managers and the press.
nice one!
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@BigDave I actually asked if he was able to give me some free promotion. After that, I didn't hear back from him, but after a week or two, he contacted me again and told me that he was able to give me a promotion, and on top of that he also asked me for a PSD with game assets so they were able to create a full size lockscreen ad. So for the people who become in contact with apple or amazon, or whenever a person is really important, and you have personal contact with them, don't be afraid to ask:)!
Hey @BigDave thanks for sharing. Being more aggressive with ads could help. If not from the direct ad revenue, possibly more from the user being more willing to remove them. Is there a .99 remove ads purchase? If not, that might be something that would work in your game. Or even better. .99 to remove ads + get a free something or other.
Just my 2 cents.
Best of luck!
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@clee2005 jeep there is a remove ads in all of them. And I get sales there too.
0.99 is not worth much in my opinion my minimum price in the games created in 2015 is $1.99 ranging up to $8.99 (but also giving other benefits beside removing ads)
I also challenge myself to create make games now where its worth/reasonable to invest $1.99.
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Thanks, @BigDave this is really insightful into the player environment. I myself still need to really plan out the most effective use for ads in my type of game.
@BigDave I agree... seems that $.99 is no longer the most common. It is still a reasonable amount for some purchases... like the removal of ads which is not a game purchase, but a convenience. Always depends on the game, but price is important. I've definitely liked a game and looked to buy it and thought "I like it, but not that much".
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