Can't Get Actor To Move/Jump
(Sorry if this is a really simple question, I'm fairly new...)
So, I'm just testing out some basic game ideas/tutorials, and every time I try to make an actor move with the up/down/left/right keys, nothing happens. They'll move when I add a Constrain Attribute, but that's it.
I've tried a few different things, hoping that something would work. I've followed every tutorial exactly how they said to do it, and it still isn't working. Any ideas?
Asking for advice when solving an issue with code that only you have access to is probably the single best way to ensure few (if any) responses in a needlessly drawn-out process largely made up of random guesses ! Lol !
Your actor will behave according to the rules you are using to control it, the rules will likely have a mistake in them somewhere.
I'll start the guessing game . . . my first three: The rules that control the actor's movement are switched off ? The speed setting in the behaviour you are using to move the actor has accidentally been set to 0 ? You have switched 'moveable' off for the actor you are attempting to control ?
Try using a change velocity behaviour with a rule that should be like 'actor receives event --> key --> right is down' and what is inside it could be like: 'change velocity --> direction=0 --> relative to scene'. The speed could be whichever you want. Do the same for left, but instead of right, left, and instead of 0, use 180. For making it jump try using the same thing, but up instead of right and 90 instead of 0. Set gravity in the scene inspector (Y gravity). And if you want to not to double jump, add in the rule that is the jumping one with the + icon: 'actor receives event --> overlaps or collides --> with actor of type --> (the floor/platforms/walls you can jump into)'.
I'm trying everything and nothing wants to work. It's just a practice run through a game, but obviously I want to get through this one. I've tried doing all that, but nothing is working. Should I add any other behaviors in with the change velocity? Or just leave it as is? Thanks for giving tips!