Change App platform without remaking?
Okay I have made a game for iPhone 5 Portrait. And now I wanna make my app compatible with the iPhone 6 portrait. Does that mean I have to start a new project and make my app from scratch for iPhone 6 portrait? By the way I have checked resolution independence but I am not exactly sure what that does... I really need help with this cause I am planning on making lots of apps. What if I make them all for iPhone 6 portrait and an iPhone 5 user download my app...will it be resized? will it still look good? I want my app to look good on all platforms! Help me with that please... Thanks in advance!
The aspect ratio between the iPhone5 and 6 and 6+ is almost the same only 3-4 pixels off so no reason to rebuild should look perfect.
Thanks for your answer! But...will it crop anything? will there be black bars or something? or it'll still be fullscreen?
You can see how it will look in preview.
hmmmm. I changed that from iPhone 5 to iPhone 6 but my preview was really messed up. Maybe I have to check "PORTRAIT MODE" let me see..
hmm no luck. My actors, background etc are a little bit off to the right and top. So I should resize things!
Check out Deep Blue Apps website. they have a GameSalad project resizer that might work for you
Use stretch
You mean use stretch in the Gamesalad Viewer? I just want the app to look good on the actual devices not just in the viewer though. Okay @ant_lad I will take a look thx!
when you publish you can select the stretch option this will stretch your game to any device, as the iPhone 5 and 6 are so close it should look perfect, you can use the previewer to show what it will look like select the target device select stretch and click the refresh button (make sure you click refresh) or it will look strange.
Omg thanks @Bowhill Games . I had forgotten about that. Ummm what if I don't choose the STRETCH option when I publish my app? Will there be black bars for iphone 6?