Need help importing graphics into scene
I just completed the 1st level to my game in Photoshop and everything is sized perfectly and there are tons of layers. What is the best way to import numerous images into GameSalad?? It would really bite if I have to export every single layer for web/devices and position every layer onto the canvas the way I already have it setup in PS. Would take me days to get it just right. Hoping there is a shortcut!
Hi @sinbot I personally can't think of a shortcut - except to use a macro program - guessing there's a Photoshop plugin for that (or already built in) though even that would take some time to set up, I'm thinking.
Best to just "bite the bullet" and export each layer that you want as png using Save for Web & Devices... shouldn't take too long once you get into the swing of it....
Import into GameSalad Creator would be easy as you prob. know - just select the whole lot and drag them in all together. (Though then you've got the work of positioning each layer on the scene as you want - but hey, that's game design for you...
P.S In future, please don't type your thread titles in Caps, cheers - it's seen as shouting.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Pretty sure there are various tools and methods to automate export from photoshop layers and maybe even generate coordinates of individual assets to a file e.g. Layer Coordinates Photoshop.jsx
But you also need the layer/image dimensions written out if you wanted to automate the process of creating actors and the above script is talking top left whereas GS is centered.
Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. Looks like I'll just have to merge as many layers as possible