Multiplayer question
If two games connect, do they both use the same game.attributes, or do they each get their own set? Probably the former, yes?
Another thing I was thinking about, since a lot of the character stats are game.attributes, that if I ever make my game multiplayer or even having two players on screen at the same time, I could make more use of the self.attributes to do what the game.attributes already do. And it would also be a chance to use tables{I haven't really used tables at all, as every time I'm about to, I see somebody posting about their tables not working or not refreshing, which caused me to stay with game.attributes for the time being, maybe in the sequel, I could use tables. I'll use tables for stuff like iAP, but for game mechanic stuff, I'll wait a while before making a switch, as my brain still can't wrap itself around all the table related behaviors.