non-repeating random

bluelotusbluelotus Member Posts: 96
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have been struggling with the random feature in a few different apps I have created.

At this point If you want to create a non-repeating random function, I have to make an attribute and a rule for every actor that counts whether or not is has been selected.

//call the random number//
change attribute to random(1,5)
if = 1
and if actor1.counted is false
then (do whatever) with that actor
//call another number//
change attribute to random(1,5)

and so on for each actor... the issue is that a.)this sucks if you have a lot of actors, and b.) the random function gets all confused and either completely freezes or calls a random number and a completely different actor is called... and then freezes.

I would love to see some sort of non-repeating random function in GS.

If there are any other workarounds that would be cool but I have seen this issue come up in the forums and this seems to be the only resolution.

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