How Can I Change Attribute Based On Number Of Touches?
I would like to have an actor's color change based on the number of touch like:
1 touch = Orange
2 touch = Green
3 touch = Blue
4 touch = Red
This is just an example, I imagine this could be applicable to anything like in actor's movements and other aspects.
Best Answers
jamie_c Posts: 5,772
Do you mean if you touch once, make it orange then if you touch a second time make it green, then if you touch a third time make it blue... etc.
Or do you mean if you touch with one finger, make it orange, then while keeping the first finger touching, touch with a second finger to make it green, then add a third finger at the same time make it blue... ect.?
jamie_c Posts: 5,772
Cool. For the second one, I'd keep track of game.touches.count and use that to change the color of the actor as needed.
the second one but it's ok, I already figured it out, thanks though