Glitching Actors
Basic Info about game: Endless Runner, Obstacles going from left to right. Just recently incorporated uptimistik's random timer on my spawners with some changes to fit my game. I a bunch of actors, but it seems this rock and one of my other trees (not posted) glitch/shake/blink.
Uptimistik's random timer:
Honestly, you have so much going on there that you might be better off hiring someone to troubleshoot this for you. My guess just looking at the screenshots is that there's an attribute that is toggling its value somehow and causing a constrain behavior to only trigger part of the time. But that's a bit of a wild guess really.
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Can you post the layer order of your project.
Wow you're good. I adjusted layering and its all good. Never would have thought of that. Thanks.
A general approach is to first try and and generally adjust layer order (just move stuff around) to see if the problem responds, if not then move the camera (especially a tracking camera) above the shaking/blinking actors, or move the camera onto its own layer (sepetate from the shaking/blinking actors) and if none of that works place a 'buffer' actor (an empty, no rules, invisible, actor) between the shaking/blinking actor and the camera, so from bottom up it would go: shaking/blinking actor - buffer actor - camera.
Occasionally you may even need more than one buffer actor to stop the shaking/blinking,