How do i publich and sign an app on the Windows version?
Hi all. its me again .
Okej, now i cerated a game and tested It on the arcaid from iPad, iPhone and PC. But now i what to make an app of the game and put it on the iPad , It sas i need to sign ?
-How do i do that?
-Can i do this from a PC?
-What do i need to do that?
Mvh Mattias the swed
Unfortunately, you need a Mac to do that.
That´s because you need Xcode, witch is a Mac only app. It´s not Gamesalads fault, it´s how Apple want´s it to be.
Mental Donkey Games
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If you don't have a Mac you can use a service like MacInCloud (or other similar services).
Oh.. Crap!
But Can i develop a game on a PC and then let a friend sign and publich the game from his Mac?
Ore do i need to make the Holm projekt on a Mac??
You can make the game with PC and then publish with a mac.
Or like Socks said, you can publish it with a service like Macincloud.
Mental Donkey Games
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Yeah getting the mac or macbook air is the most expensive part of the entire IOS development process, I think they do it this way on purpose.
Be careful.... there are some things that don't work the same on the PC version vs the Mac version.
I learned that the hard way.