Collision Is Not Working
Member Posts: 92
Hi! I have made a pretty good game I think and I have been adding things to it but when I made spikes (which act the same exact way my enemies do) and I tested them out when my character collided with them, they did not take a heart away like the enemy.
If you think you know why, please, please tell me, I have been dyeing to know why it won't work.
If you have multiple actors that kill your hero it might be best to "tag" them all in the same group…Home/Actors/+(bottom left) Tag
Couple of things…have you made sure the spikes are on the correct "layer" if you just drag a actor onto the scene it will by default go to the top layer which is where most use a hud for score, lives etc.
Have you got movable switched on in either you spikes or hero (guessing your hero moves around so this might not be the problem but worth checking).
Maybe you have a boolean that changes to true when you die that needs turning back to false?
nope, none of that did anything, I think its a Glitch with gamesalad.
Let me try to delete and re-create the spike, maybe that will help.
I got it working! I just has to restart my computer and delete and re-create the spikes. Thank for the help though!
Glad you got it working