Changing Layer Order and nothing works
So, I have been changing layer orders and when I do, the code doesn't seem to work anymore. Is there a way to view the layers of all actors instead of just guessing send forward and backward? Honestly, getting really frustrated because I would have been done, but gamesalad tends to lag out a lot, so I have to restart every so often. Also, made a spawn actor to spawn another actor every second at a set X point, but it keeps spawning in a slightly offset manner (never in the same spot).
Edit: I'll probably just learn Objective-C and swift, this is just ridiculous.
Click on the scene tab, then Layers to view (and reorder) your layers.
The way a project behaves is defined by the rules and behaviours you use, the attributes those behaviours use, the conditions the rules use and all the various values used (and so on), so there is most likely a mistake in the way your project is set up.
I'm sure when learning either Objective-C or Swift you'll come across issues far more difficult to resolve than not knowing where the layers panel is or a wayward spawner !
Sounds like you have an unlocked actor that's accessing another actor via the scene.layer and is no longer working because you've moved it into a different layer section, just a guess though.
Well, I had to reorder my whole scene again. Now the whole thing glitches and is completely unplayable. I checked for any unlocked actors and there are none. I even went to reorder the layers previously before the whole glitching. It has no effect. I deleted all the layers and reordered them into new layers. Still glitching
EDIT: Switched some of my layers to scrollable and now it works, does scrollable mean scrolling with a finger? Cause I don't want that.
@FastlaneSuccess No, a layer that is scrollable means the actors on that layer will move with the camera, such as your primary actor and the ground he walks on, etc. If the scene extends beyond the view of the camera, the actors in the scene will "scroll" so you can see the rest of the scene. This is super normal. Non-scrollable layers are useful for controls, status bars, etc, things that you don't want to move relative to the camera.
Example: Super Mario Bros. Mario, the ground he walks on, Goombas, Koopas, etc are all on scrollable layers. However, your remaining lives, time remaining, and any on-screen controls are on non-scrollable layers. Make sense?