Advice Wanted: Advertisement and Monetization
I'm looking to release a game on the Android platform and eventually to the ios.
I'm thinking of using both revmob and chartboost.
I understand there are the revenue types of per click or per impressions.
Could anyone give me advice on what method would benefit me the most? My game is a arcade style game with the goal being going as far as a player can get (high score).
Additionally, if you have recommendations for other advertisement options, please advise.
To me, it depends on the level of user engagement you create.
What I mean is, does the player have time to even look at the ad while playing?
Will it annoy them to see it?
When the player dies, do they go right back into the action or do they get a "you died" screen?
It depends on what you have set up and what will potentially make the player the least amount of upset. (Android) | (Android) | (Android)
There is a gameover/score board screen.
During the main action though, they'll not have time to click or see the ads (so I'm probably not going to add any adds during the actual game play).
I'm thinking of adding the ad at the beginning/title screen and at the gameover/score board screen.
What do you advise?
I think it would be natural to see an ad at a lose or game over screen.
This also has the effect of encouraging the player not to lose. (Android) | (Android) | (Android)
so you would recommend by impression and not clicks?
That's what I was thinking.