Contact other GameSalad developer?
I'm new to GameSalad and want to contact an other developer, because I found his game under . But I can't find any contact option.
Best Answers
jamie_c Posts: 5,772
The games on the arcade list the username of the person that created it. The link you provided doesn't go to a specific game but the title of the game is listed first and the second smaller line shows the authors forum handle. You can contact people here through their handle.
gingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Posts: 1,685
If you know his name then you can just goto yout inbox, click message and then type his name in the box, it will bring up his full username as you type it!
Yes, I have removed his name from my post, I didn't want to spam his name :-)
You right! I just added the name to the url
@ThomasPelster, you can also tag them in the forum like I just did with your name. By adding a '@', they will be notified next time they log in of the post they have been mentioned it. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page