How to make my actor stay on a spinning wheel?
in Help Wanted
How to make my actor stay on a spinning wheel like this
Constrain the actor's X position to
Radius of the wheel * cos (wheel rotation) + x position of the wheel
Constrain the actor's Y position to
Radius of the wheel * sin (wheel rotation) + y position of the wheel
I don't really get what u mean
Can you please try to explain again? but a little bit more so I understand, sorry im pretty new using gamesalad.
Can you say which part you don't understand ?
Constrain the actor's X position to
Radius of the wheel
that part
The radius of the wheel simply means the distance from the centre of the wheel to the edge (half the width of the actor).
I know what the radius is, but how do I Constrain the actor's X
You use a Constrain behaviour.