Layering & collide problem
What I'm trying to achieve is when is when the actor collides with the purple background gameover = . I want the main actor to be able to move around on the grey line. The purple background is set to the far back of the layer the grey actor is above of the purple actor and the main actor is above the grey actor. But when I preview the game it automatically sets gameover = 1 even though the main actor hasn't collided with the purple actor. Can someone help me with this? Thanks
(This is the main actor without the gameover actor covering it)
Try a timer, after 0.5 seconds if not overlapping with grey actor game over.
To achieve a NOT overlapping simply make a rule overlapping or colliding with Grey and leave the main part blank now open up the otherwise part of the rule and place your code in there.
It doesn't matter if the purple actor is below the grey it will still register a collide with the grey actor.
Looks like your making a 2d temple run or stay on the line type of game?
The method above in action is below basically if were not overlapping with platform we much be dead
1:20 in the video below…
The problem you are having is that even though they are on different layers, the actors are colliding.
Layers are more for visual rendering... what's on a closer layer renders on top of what's on a further layer.
But, for collision detection, it simply looks at whether or not they overlap. So, in your case, they DO overlap, because the gray is technically overlapping with the purple.
Here's a simple example of two methods.
In the top method (you can control this the F/G keys), the water is actually 3 separate actors surrounding but not overlapping the bricks. As soon the the player touches the water... DEAD!
In the bottom method, the bricks are on top of the water and it's similar to @DeepBlueApps method, but it sets GameState to 1 (alive) is colliding with the bricks and to 0 (dead) when not colliding, so the water doesn't matter... if he steps off the bricks... DEAD! You can control the bottom actor with the A/D keys.
@DeepBlueApps & @ookami007 one more question. Is it possible to tell the game to end once the main actor moves just outside of grey line?
something like this
On the screenshot you posted, you'd need 4 different purple actors. (One right down the left hand side, and three on the right in strips, to compensate for the layered gray section.)
Make sure the purple DOES NOT go behind the gray bit!
Then, when your main actor overlaps or collides with the purple actor, change scene to 'game over' or however you plan the game to end. I hope this helps.
(Footnote, if you can't get the actor small enough by dragging the sides, you can get it thinner still by altering the size values in the actor > size tab).
Double posts for the win: Alternatively, you could set the scene colour to purple rather than black, this would eliminate the need for purple actors at all, then just run an invisible actor down the boarder and have it collide with that, would save you using big old actors to blanket the screen.
There IS an alternative... you can do whatever you want with the colors and have invisible actors that actually mark the "death" spot. So, surround your gray area with the "death" actor and set their transparency to 0.
This way, you can adjust them so that the death happens EXACTLY where you want it.
@WOLFENSTEIN & @ookami007 I have the vertical line working.. but I'm having trouble with the horizontal line
The green lines are the walls that'll end the game btw

@DeepBlueApps @ookami007 @WOLFENSTEIN is this what @DeepBlueApps was talking about?
> @DeepBlueApps said:
The thing is on the new gamesalad update for windows theres 2 play buttons. When I press play on one of the play buttons everything works properly BUT when I press play on the other one it sets gameover =1 as soon as it starts
Something I noticed is when I tested this out on my android phone it didn't change gameover = 1 as soon as play =1 .. but when I tested it out on my iOS device it change gameover =1 as soon as the games stars
Hope you can help me with this issue , thanks again
anyone heard of this problem before?