[Solved] Chasing When Not Hidden
So, for this project I'm working on, I want to have it be so that the enemies only chase the hero when he is not hiding. I'm able to make the enemies chase the hero, and I'm also able to get the enemies to move randomly when the hero is hidden. But, I can't get both of these to function at the same time; they only work separately. Is there any way to get both of these to work at the same time???
What happens when you try and make them work together? Or have you not been able to find a way for them to work together?
Would it not be as simple as have a boolean variable called isHiding, when the hero is hiding set it to true, otherwise set it to false.
On the enemies do if isHiding is true then move randomly, else do chasing?
What happens when you try that?
Well that was easy! Thanks for the help