Issues installing GameSalad.
When I try and install the program, I get the following error:
I've tried uninstalling the program and reinstalling, repairing the program and also downloading a fresh copy but nothing works. If I ignore the error, it will install however the program won't run.
Does anyone have a fix for this issue?
Kind regards
looks like you might be missing a .net redistributable. maybe run through windows updates and make sure you're not missing anything
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I've checked my windows update and there are no updates available.
Also I've never had any issues with other software; including netbeans, vs, intellij or unity (if that makes any difference to the issue).
It may be a permissions issue. Try running the installer as an admin.
Sadly I still get the error.
If you have and anti virus or some type of protection, disable it and try to install it again. Then check to see if it works, after that you can enable your protection again.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I've already tried that
My next suggestion would be to try and manually install the .dll with regsvr32 using the command prompt. Google "install dll with regsvr32" or something along those lines.
Edit: i don't really use a windows machine anymore so hopefully it works for you.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I've tried googling 'GSPreviewerr.dll' however it returns no results. Not sure how I'm going to be able to download the file without a source. Looks like I'll have to look elsewhere for software as I've been waiting 3 days for a solution to install the software!
Thank you for trying though!
Please open a support ticket with us.
I have for over a week now, yet still no response.
install the old version, that was my only solution, not that anoyone helped me figure it out...
I will need to see the install log to see what is going on. @Craigsup you should have gotten a response back today. @Bomwatchout open a support ticket with us and they will help get a install log from you.
Have you tried to run a disk/file checker? Is a common error on windows during installs. When I used windows, I would generally fix that stuff by running 2-3 different checker/fixer utilities and then try the install again. Usually a couple things in the registry are wrong and that throws it off.
In fact I just had an issue with an animation app on mac that finally straightened itself out when something completely unrelated to it updated (and that points to a horrible piece of software)
i already opened a ticket since almost a week ago, even file a bug which i dont know if anyone is looking into.
@Bomwatchout What is the support ticket number and bug number?
I had that issue to. But it just worked when I tried it the second time.
**Nate - Pixel Artist - Developer - Graphics Designer **
@BlackCloakGS just yesterday my ticket number got an answer. Bug hasnt been replied yet, #1066
We will be releasing a version of Windows Creator that doesn't require registering the previewer dll in a day or two.