Gameover problem.
Basically I have this tilt motion game & everything works perfectly when I test it out on my pc but when I test the game on my phone it changes gameover = 1 immediately. I have my game set up on layers a white background actor that covers the screen named "gameover" & I have a grey line. & on top of the grey line sits the main actor.
I have constrained some actors on the main actor to follow its position. Those green 5 actors on the red ball are basically the actors that trigger gameover = 1. I set them up like
. I thought that I constrained the position of the green lines to far from the ball but when I was playing & the green lines were nowhere close the edge it'll automatically set gameover = 1. Hope this is enough information for you to help me solve this issue. Thank you
It's not enough information. You mention green actors and green lines but your rule screenshot has a White Line actor and a Gap Fill actor. It's not clear how those are all related. You also haven't explained what happens when you remove the green lines (are those the "green actors"?) from the scene and preview it again... does it still change game.Gameover to 1?
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@tatiang The green lines are the gameover lines. When the green line doesn't collide with white line and gap fill change gameover = 1.
Something I notcied is when I tested this out on my android phone it didn't change gameover = 1 as soon as play =1 .. but when I tested it out on my iOS device it change gameover =1 as soon as the games stars
does this help you understand a little bit more?