Blurry images in gamesalad creator on mac but not pc
I recently changed from PC to Mac. I've been making a game in game salad on Mac but my images show up blurry in the creator which never happened to the same images on PC. I tried changing the DPI to 72 and making the dimensions even but it still came up blurry. The images are pixel art but they look clear on pc so what's different? All the images are in .png format exported from photoshop
Any help would be really appreciated
Best Answer
ant_lad Posts: 222
If you recently switched to mac, do you know about handling retina images? Basic retina handling is that the image is at least double the size than it is when shown. Now that apple has added a third display, this will be never-ending.
As an example, on a website- you would import an image at 900 px wide and add @2x to the end of name to display at 450 px wide, and the server will feed the browser the correct resolution.
I'm looking into this issue, it's very weird because for some reason the images are being stretched slightly when drawn.
Thank you for the quick replies! I didn't know about handling retina images before moving to mac so i'll look into it, I imagine that'll be the problem. Thanks!!