Gamecircle leaderboards for android not working?
Hello there!
After many failed attempts at integrating a high score leaderboard for my android game, I'm beginning to think that the leaderboard system for android is broken. I followed every step in the cookbook tutorial and I'm 100% sure I did everything right:
- Made an account with amazon developer
- Set up a new app with them
- Created a security profile
- Created a gamecirlce leaderboard for the game and published it to make it go live
- Obtained the MD5 for the keystore that I was going to use to publish the game in gamesalad
- Obtained an API key and copy/paste it into the Amazon services section in Gamesalad's publishing dashboard
- Published the game and created the .apk file
I then installed the .apk file onto an Android device to AdHoc test the game, but when I pressed the button that was supposed to show leaderboards....surprise surprise, nothing...nada...not even an error message. Absolutely nothing happens.
I'm completely out of options, but really want to integrate a leaderboard for my game! Am I doing something wrong?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Please file a bug with us.
Did you link the security profile to the game?
Are you also getting the player to login to the plaftorm too? or just show leaderboard?
I linked the security profile to the leaderboard, which is linked to the that the same thing?
Yes, the player is logged in before he/she can view the leaderboards.
When you boot the game up, do you get a pop up stating you are logged in/logging in? Or nothing?
I get no message or pop-up.
Click on your game and there you will see a security profile tab and there you can associate it to your game.
also make sure your keys match on GS and Amazon if you went through them and did not save they may be different.
If your not getting a login Pop up then you haven't set it up correctly. Most likley you have either miss spelt your package name wrong or incorrectly linked your security profile. Double check the spelling of the package name in your gamecircle settings against the package name in your Gamesalad publishing portal.
i am too having the same issue. But about login, windows gs creator fails to show login pop up whereas the mac shows login pop up window.
When i click the leader board link nothing happens.
Noting will happen in creator. You need to do an ad hoc and setup a test on Amazon.
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As Dave says above, the login in popup I was referring to was in a real build not creator. It also needs to be set up in your Amazon Developer account otherwise it won't work