UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities issue...
Hi i'm stuck with this issue:
"The app's Info.plist can't contain values for the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key that would prevent this app from opening on any iOS device. For more information, see Understanding the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities Key."
This happens just when i try to submit my iphone app update for review...
i try 2 times with two different iphone games but i've the same message...
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I would have looked into the "Info.plist" file to see exactly what it contains in the array UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities, it should only contain armv7
Ok so i need to switch manually it? I can use Xcode to redit?
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Anyway yes it contain armv7... so it could be a GS bug?
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To view it, rename the file extension from .app to .zip, then open and browse it and have a look in the info.plist. There is however no point in editing/changing the file (or any other file) in a generated/signed app since it will break the code signature thus failing approval from Apple.
yes i've saw the info.plist, the file have armv7...
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compare with the info.plist from the app that you try to update (download it and check), if that one has armv6 then you are probably out of luck in trying to update it
Ok i saw my old info.plist file and there is a difference in this value:
so i can't update my old iphone games?
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We do not support armv6 devices any more.
Ok so i cant update my old iPhone games? Could you please confirm me this? @BlackCloakGS
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I will have to look up apple's rules, but if they will not let you drop support for older devices when submitting an update then yes you can not use 0.13.14 to update your older games. I can't remember the last version of GameSalad that supported armv6 devices.
Ok, thanks for this info.
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@JSproject is correct in that Apple will not let you specify a requirement in UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities that you did not include in your previous version. Apple's rules are clear in that you can only drop device support by specifying an IOS version that is higher than you previously used. So @pinkio75 there is no way for you to update that app. You would have to take the old version down and upload the "update" as a new app.
Ok, thank you @MarcMySalad
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